Due to inclement weather New River Community College (Dublin and Christiansburg) will OPEN at 10:00 AM Wednesday February 19th
Throughout the two-year program, students have an opportunity to do numerous team and individual projects that simulate real-world scenarios. Students are given project specifications to follow and are presented with a design challenge that they must complete within those specs.
In the first semester, students in the CAD 120 class learn basics of drawing and technical/engineering sketching. They learn a number of different varying artistic styles and techniques including: hatching, stippling, cartooning, shading and drawing caricatures. Individual weekly drawings allow the student to concentrate on subject matter related to their specialization.
Second and third semester projects focus the student toward class-specific material and provide a great teaching opportunity for the students from peer-to-peer.
By the time students reach the fourth semester, they have been immersed in at least a dozen software programs and thousands of pages of standards and industry-related material. This is the “Show Me” semester where the student takes advantage of past and current knowledge to work in both a team project environment (CAD 242), an individual final semester project (CAD 203) and put together a first-class portfolio and resume, in addition to learning interviewing skills for their job search.
Adjunct Instructor
Instructor of Drafting/EDT Program Head