Due to inclement weather New River Community College (Dublin and Christiansburg) will OPEN at 10:00 AM Wednesday February 19th
Over the past six years, students have worked in conjunction with many individuals and companies on industry-based projects. These areas have varied from concept designs of UAV, UCAV and UGVs to the reverse engineering of the U.S. Navy’s most classified weapon in the world -- a Virginia Class Fast Attack Nuclear Submarine.
In addition, students have spent the past ten months working on a new concept design for the U.S. Navy’s SSBNX program. The engineering department at the University of Iowa is working on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) testing of this 500 foot submarine model to analyze the flow characteristics of the design.
Students recently finished working on a three year project with the North Carolina Maritime Museum, reverse engineering the Queen Anne’s Revenge (QAR), Black Beard’s ship. The ship is currently being brought up from the ocean floor piece by piece off the coast of North Carolina and students at New River Community College are recreating every timber and detail of the ship in a 3D model for both historical records as well as creating an interactive 3D experience for the guests of the museum.
The digital interactive project is now on display at the museum and the museum is under renovation to add additional space for this exibit.
Adjunct Instructor
Instructor of Drafting/EDT Program Head