Due to inclement weather New River Community College (Dublin and Christiansburg) will OPEN at 10:00 AM Wednesday February 19th
Five advanced Engineering Design Technology students along with their instructor, Jeff Levy, undertook the task of reverse engineering the most sophisticated weapon ever devised and implemented in the history of Naval war fare; the Virginia Class fast attack nuclear submarine with only information that was available in public domain as well as working with a couple former submarine officers that shared general information about the submarine from first-hand accounts.
The submarine research center in Maine also played a key role in helping the students understand the workings of this complicated boat.
“I reviewed the project and was impressed with your students’ ability to take information within the public domain and develop a believable graphical representation of a fast-attack submarine. Their work clearly demonstrates an understanding of spatial arrangement, functional realism and a high-level of competency utilizing the full capability of the design, too.”
Chris Miner – VA Class Project Manager, USN.
Adjunct Instructor
Instructor of Drafting/EDT Program Head