Due to inclement weather New River Community College (Dublin and Christiansburg) will OPEN at 10:00 AM Wednesday February 19th
The mission of the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program at New River Community College (NRCC) is to equip aspiring professional nurses with the knowledge, skills, and compassion needed to deliver safe, competent, and patient-centered care. The program is committed to preparing graduates to excel in an ever-evolving and complex healthcare system by fostering critical thinking, adaptability, and lifelong learning.
Effective June 7, 2024, this nursing program is a candidate for initial accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. This candidacy status expires on June 7, 2026.
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
Note: Upon granting of initial accreditation by the ACEN Board of Commissioners, the effective date of initial accreditation is the date on which the nursing program was approved by the ACEN as a candidate program that concluded in the Board of Commissioners granting initial accreditation.
The DEADLINE for COMPLETE FOLDER submission for the ADN program is February 15.
This program has approval by the Virginia Board of Nursing.
Virginia Board of Nursing, Perimeter Center
9960 Maryland Drive, Sutie 300
Henrico, VA 23233-1463